Pet Feeder Treat Dispenser Web App Enabled

Video here; This is a pet feeder/treat dispenser. There are others out there, but none of…
updated March 1, 2022



Video here;

This is a pet feeder/treat dispenser. There are others out there, but none of them were exact for my requirements, and most were not in formats that I could easily modify. This pet feeder needs to connect to your home wifi network. Then you create a very simple app on your phone and thru the magic of the internet, you simply click a button on your phone anytime you want to feed the pets. I am providing the STL files and the source SKP files, so if you need to modify and you know how to use Sketchup, you can easily modify it. No Commercial USE, Feel free to make as many as you need for yourself and your pets.

It can be used for Treats or Food for smaller dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc. I am providing all the details on how to build. I am also providing source code.

Hardware you will need to purchase;

NODEMCU V1.0 (ESP8266) - other similar may work, but this is what I used. About $4

L9110S - Stepper Driver Controller board - about $1

28byj-48 stepper motor - about $4

about 8 m3 socket head cap screws 6-8mm

two m3x6 set screws

2 scunci hair bands/ties (silcone ones better than fabric/rubber)

1 R6 2RS 22x9x7 bearing

All the STL parts printed - Quantity 1 each

I printed using a .8mm nozzle and .6472 layer height on a AnyCubic Predator delta. You can print as you wish. For me the temps were 230 at 30mms, due to the .8 nozzle and only having an E3D clone. I need to upgrade to a Volcano for bigger items (LOL).

You will need to modify the source code for this project. It is 99.99% complete, all you need to do is enter the wifi SSID, password and the authentication code for Blynk and recompile and upload to the NODEMCU.

These are the two lines of code you must change.

char ssid[] = "YOUR SSID HERE";

char pass[] = "YOUR PASSWORD HERE";

Note this feeder has 8 compartments. The movement of the carousel is done by the stepper. For my given hardware, running the stepper for while the loop is 257 results in one complete movement from one compartment to the next. If you change the number of compartments, or use different motors/drivers/MCU, you may need to change this line;

while (loopcnt <257)

You can do this either with the Arduino software or the Atom/PlatformIO suite. I used PlatformIO, but the Arduino is the easier if you do not have experience. Either suite you must make sure you include the specific ESP8266 NODEMCU board, so the upload will work.

Note: This feeder is based on a feeding by pushing a button in an app on your phone. It does NOT do timed feeding. You could fairly easily modify the code for this, but my requirements did not need timed feedings. Anytime I need a feeding, I can click a button. After you click the button, the app will turn the carousel, and after it has finished turning, you get a confirmation notification back that it was successful.

To do all the app stuff, you will need to download Blynk from the play store. All my experience was with Android. I have no idea if this works with Apple, sorry. Then create an account. Blynk will let you create and use apps for free up to an energy level of 2000. This app can be built and used forever with less than 2000 energy, so entirely free. If you wish to do more with it, like read the temp in your house, you can always buy more energy and write more code to do this.

You need to select a device, so make sure your NODEMCU is on and connected to your WIFI, then look for your device and select it. BLYNK will then make a authentication code available to you. This authentication code must be entered in the source code and you need to upload that new source to the NODEMCU.

Your app basically needs one button, that is all. The button is a widget. Click to add a button and set the tartget to the NODEMCU, select output type of V3 0 to 1. click mode of push. Then save. Once your pet feeder is built, you plug in, wait about 15 seconds, it will connect to your WIFI. There are 2 Blue LEDs on the NODEMCU, 1 Blue LED will light when you first power on. Then about 15 seconds later the second BLUE LED light will turn on. When the 2nd LED turns on, you know it is connected to your WIFI. If the second LED does not turn on then either your SSID or password is not correct. NOTE - This requires a 2.4GHz WIFI, the NODEMCU is not WIFI compatible with 5GHz. Once connected, then click the button to feed, the carousel would turn and then you would receive a notification on your phone that the pets were fed.

In the video, you can see my app can control 2 pet feeders. You can add pictures of your pets as well. BLYNK can do all kinds of these things very simply. Have Fun!

Print Settings

Printer Brand:












Filament: Inland PLA



Any PLA will be fine. Use layers sizes appropriate for your nozzle and printer.

Category: Pets


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.


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