In 3d printing a RC Stearman model I needed an 11x5.5 prop. Instead of paying $3 for one I spentthousands of person-hours using high-expertise design skills to build this!
It's aprocedurally generated propeller design that'svariable-enabled. You can enter your dimensions and get a prop or customize and tailor to your hearts content. Don't like my vortex generators? Remove 'em or change them.
I'd like to build this document up with different sizes that people can just download- so if you'd like a size or variation that's not here ping me and I'll get you the STL and upload it here. Leave a comment or message me on discord/telegram
Needs to be printed with supports then sanded.
I use (and recommend) high-temperature PLA+ to print. It anneals when oven heated and becomes even stronger.
Here's my process:
That's it! My 11x5.5 prop takes ~5h of printing, 15m to bake, and 1h to sand/finish.
Designed in onshape, effectively next-generation solidworks in the web (an mobile apps) Here's the public document. Anyone can fork and extend the design for free.
Also here's the page to get a free account, they keep a little it hidden from their main site
If you use the CAD, print a prop, or even go with an alternative: Message me on discord/telegram! I want to hear how it went!
Please post 'em! Really! Take a quick cameraphone photo of your print in all its glory and show it off! Plus it really helps get this design out there to the world.
Designing stuff is fun but interacting with cool people and hearing about their adventures is better. I can generate any variation / engraving easily, message me on discord/telegram and/or leave a comment and let's make your perfect version. I only ask that you post a make!
If you'd like the CAD or STEP file too, no problem. I've already helped a bunch of great folks! Send me a ping
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.