FGC9SD UNW free floating handguard

barrel retainer with AR15 shroud mount. for the FGC9SD
updated February 26, 2022



this package is for the FGC9SD (the rail will be added later)

this “rail sizer” to make your AR15 shroud look better. will most likely not fit your model. but with some help of others there maybe some more designs added on a later date. but it should not be so hard to make a rail sizer on your own. so I hope mine can be at least be a bit of a inspiration.

keep in mind that the barrel retainer with the mount for the free float shroud will take in some extra space shown on the picture. and the barrel sits a bit further back. so make sure your shroud is not getting to long.

print wise, normal FGC9 settings will work. 0.16 layer hight is fine enough for the treats to work.

for the riser you could go for 0.2 layer hight and a 8 wall layer thickness with 40% infill. but it depends on what your are planning to mount on it… you don’t want your sling mount to break on you

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Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
