Of course, cats are cute. But two of them with much, much fur killed my vacuum cleaner robot meanwhile three times.
There is a constructive issue on the main brush motor. There is a wide gap between the motors case and the output drive gear showing the naked axle. Here the hairs are wrapping the axle, squeezing between case and gear and brakes massive the motor. Often there comes the message "brush blocked" and the motor becames very hot and produces hot smell. Over the time this also affect the internal motors mounts making the rotor jiggling within the case, making a lot of noise and finally blocking complete.
To end the necessity to cut the axle free with a long scalpel and peeling the hairs off with a tweezers every two weeks and to keep the fourth motor a bit longer than one year I made a protector which prevents the hairs from wrapping around the axle.
Two of these protector parts closes the gap on the motor without braking it.
FIashForge Dreamer
0.15 mm
It is highly recommended to use a 0.2mm nozzle because of the filigran design.
Use TPE or TPU for better fitting of the parts.
In the given orientation the parts can be printed without support.
To mount the parts the robot has to be disassembled completely. I fixed the parts together with one winding of self-vulcanizing rubber to be able to remove it later for maintenance if necessary. It is recommended to fix the part with a little drop of glue on the motors case to prevent it from rotation. Otherwise it is possible, that this part will collect the hairs instead of the axle.
Designed with SolidWorks
Category: Household
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.