This is a multi-color remix of the awesome Christopher Reeve Superman Bust model by JS-studio, for printing on the MMU2S. (Done in PrusaSlicer using paint on color feature.)
** UPDATE: 19-Feb-2022 **
Replaced the original 3mf file with a version 2 that now includes color painting for the lips and eyebrows.
Multiple parts of this model have been painted in PrusaSlicer for use with the five different MMU2S extruder designations, as follows:
Extr. 1: Shirt and eye retinas
Extr. 2: Front insignia ("S" part), cape, and lips
Extr. 3: Front insignia (filler), back insignia, and eye whites
Extr. 4: Skin
Extr. 5: Hair, eyebrows, and eye pupils
The way the extruders are assigned you can actually use up to 7 different colors of filament. In the 3mf model I tried to assign colors to match the original movie costume:
Extr. 1: Blue
Extr. 2: Red -- > Pink
Extr. 3: Yellow --> White
Extr. 4: Flesh (beige)
Extr. 5: Black
For Extruder 2 you can assign red filament first for the cape and insignia and then, mid-way through the print after those parts have completed, you can switch out the red filament for a pink filament to print the lips. Likewise for Extruder 3 you can use yellow filament first for the front and back insignias and then switch it out for white filament to print the white of the eyes.
Switching filament in the MMU2S is a little challenging to do while the model is still printing, but it can be done. Of course, you can modify the model and extruder colors as you see fit and print the model however you want!
Please note that all 3mf files do NOT have supports. I was able to print this model without it, but your “mileage” may vary. Feel free to add supports under the chin and nose if you feel it's needed for your printer.
Have fun!!!
The author remixed this model.