A set of protein domains reading DNA sequence - TAL effector, Zn finger, ECO RI Endonuclease

A set of protein domains reading able to read DNA and interact with a specific nucleotide sequence.
48h 48m
5× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
288.00 g
updated January 30, 2022



A set of protein domains reading able to read DNA and interact with a specific nucleotide sequence. The set is great for explaining the role of the major groove in making the sequence information available from a double-strand DNA molecule. The set is comprised of:

- dHax3  TAL effector PDB ID: 3v6T

- TFIIIA  Zn finger domain PDB ID: 1TF6

- EcoRI Endonuclease PDB ID: 1ERI

- a 66 bp DNA fragment

Segmentation Software: Prusa Slicer

3D Modeling/CAD Software: ChimeraX

Printer Technology/Material: FDM / Polylactic Acid (PLA)

Printer Make/Model: Creality Ender 5 Pro

Print Units: mm

Scale At Given Print Units: 100x

Printed at 0.2 resolution with 2 wall lines and 5% infill. Extensive supports are required but were rather easy to remove. The DNA molecules were printed in flexible TPU which makes it much easier to attach to the proteins. The DNA for the TALE protein needs to be printed at 90% in order to be able to feed it through the inside spiral of the protein. It does take some force to do it though. Printing at 80% leads to big gap between the protein and DNA which makes the whole complex not suitable for showing the interaction between the protein and the major grove.  

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
