The 4th revision of my modular case system. It should be easier to get the pegs into the holes and now that Dan made everything printable on ender 3 clones. I don't have to split everything up myself.
For the motherboard
ITX: you'll need the ITX stl
DTX: you'll need the ITX and DTX stl's
M-ATX: you'll need the ITX, DTX and both M-ATX stl's
put the needed parts together via the holes that go all the way through the parts, then push in some motherboard inserts into the needed screw holes via a soldering iron (might not be needed but it should be more rigid)
NOTE: Most of the parts need a raft or otherwise you'll get a lot of gunk on the nozzle from it trying to print the outline of the holes on the build plate.
The author remixed this model.