Right-handed joystick grip that looks cool and feels like it's the real deal. Voilà! 12 buttons:
1 trigger,
1 pinkie switch
2x 5-way hat switches This joystick grip is inspired by the Knüppelgriff (stick handle) 13. It was installed in German fighter and fighter jet aircraft, like the BF109, the FW190, the TA152, the ME262. Based on this original model with the agreement of the the author.
M3x30mm bolt (for the trigger).
M3x20mm bolt (for the grip's head).
Compression spring (6mm diameter x10mm height x0.5mm wire-diameter).
In order to get the sidestick grip to work as an USB device, plug the wires in an Arduino Leonardo or Pro Micro, load the joystick library and follow the examples in the Arduino tutorial chapter 1 to 4.
Plastic isn't as resilient as the metal of the grip. If you can make those parts out of metal: do. Otherwise consider resin. If it's not an option, don't be cheap on the plastic. For all structural parts: use PLA or stronger, go 100% infill and print with an angle (potential crack to filament layer). Adapt the joystick response curves so you don't yank your stick like a mad man. Then it'll be fine.