Here we have the full project files for the July 2019 3D Mystery Box,
This is an indoor temp and humidity sensor, the case is just one someone designed hence the remix as it works extremely well.
You will need to add these libraries to you Arduino instance:
adafruit bme280
Adafruit Unified Sensor
The INO file is included here to upload to the wemos board but you need to solder the BME280 to the wemos in this order.
BME -> weemos
VIN -> 3v3
SCL -> D5
SDA -> D4
DO NOT MOUNT the pins just solder to the bare board otherwise, it won't fit in the case.
you need to use about 60mm cable so you should have more than enough included.
Build Video: to come
Thank you again for buying this months box.
If your new and want more information then head here to find out more: http://eu3dmysterybox.co.uk
Edit; for the latest code it is here: https://github.com/scalda/temp-humdity-sensor
placed on github to all people to contribute to it
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.