Dual gears are not the holy grail, as MirageC and MihaiDesign showed in their videos.
There is always a bit of backlash and usually a single gear can provide enough torque. This is why many modern exruders are now going single gear.
A good example is the Galileo 2, which is superior to the Clockwork2. However, i could never get this to work properly (which i will investigate) and purchased the IDGA gears which are already a huge improvement, especially on vertical walls.
Next to this i wanted to try a single gear, which is this model. This will give a very slight improvement, i think it's noticable for the perfectionist, but be the judge yourself. It's a simple print and doesn't cost much.
You might need the do some minor postprocessing to fit the bearing.
I'll take another look to make this a better fit.
Unfortunately you'll need some supports.
The author remixed this model.
Single gear guidler for Clockwork2