This is practically a copy-pasta from my Github. A separate PCB will need to be fabricated for this build, and can be found here. Alternatively, I do have a number of leftover PCBs from my initial run, which I may just list on Etsy. Send me a DM and we can work something out!
Based on the Flatbox Rev 5 RGB v2.0 from the GP2040-CE project,
Based on the original Flatbox Rev 5 project.
Copyright 2023 TheTrain | Licensed under CC BY 4.0
Changes from the original design:
PCB assembly requires basic soldering skills. Tactile switches and hotswap sockets need to be soldered to the PCB. The case must be 3d printed.NOTE: This PCB is incompatible with the original Flatbox Rev5 Case.
Parts Required for Assembly:
x1 Top Panel
x1 Bottom Panel
x12 20mm Keycaps
x7 m2X6 hex screws
x12 Kailh Choc v1/v2 Switches
x12 Kailh Low-Profile Hotswap Sockets
x6 6x6x5mm 4-Pin Tactile Switch
x1 Soldering Iron & Solder Wire
This is a quickstart guide detailing CHEETAH's essential functions. Full documentation of the GP2040-CE firmware available here.
CHEETAH is fully compatible with PC, PS3, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Steam Deck, MiSTer, and Android. In PS4 mode there is an 8-minute timeout. Using an adapter such as the Brook Wingman FGC defeats the timeout and enables PS5 compatibility (for fighting games only).
By default, CHEETAH is set to PC/XInput mode. To change CHEETAH's input mode:
The input mode of the directional buttons can be changed while CHEETAH is plugged in.
+ Select
+ Down
+ Select
+ Left
+ Select
+ Right
The SOCD Cleaning Method can be changed while CHEETAH is plugged in.
+ Home
+ Up
+ Home
+ Down
+ Home
+ Left
Several configuration settings are only available via the Web Configurator. To access it:
buttonThe steps below include wiping the current firmware, reverting any configuration changes. If you would like to keep those changes, backup your configuration using the Web Configurator before installing new firmware.
To update CHEETAH's firmware:
+ Select
+ Up
The author remixed this model.
The actual model this design is based on is only available on GitHub, but I still wanted to attribute jfedor and TheTrain. Changes to the design are detailed in the description.