1s Lipo Batteries Holder for SMACKMAX Skadis Pockets / Bins / Tool holder
- [08/02/2025] - New files
- 450mAh/550mAh version added
- Blank step files at the request of @CatLie_950948 for any further remixing
- Perfect fit for the bins
- Can stand on its own
- Slanted configuration and stepped rows for ease of access to individual battery
Made this since I have loads of 1s 300mAh for tiny whoops and I have a few bins failed since it ran out of filament :)
Print Settings:
Same as the original bin it's made for. (yes you must go check on his design)
The author remixed this model.
Differences of the remix compared to the original
Used the contour of the "10x10 trim" and the bins for reference.