A Native American drone flute in F# tuned to A = 432hz
I noticed there were only a few drone flute files available online and I wasn't quite happy with the quality of them so I took it upon myself to design one that I was happy with. It should be tuned off the bed, but you might have to mess around with material settings or hole sizes to get the tone you want. Shoutout to flutopedia.com for being my primary source in designing the flute, they have some great resources is you want to try yourself!
Tolerances are .15mm based on my resin printer, but you can oversize the holes/undersize the plugs as needed to get it to fit how you want it. The order of pieces form mouthpiece to the end of the flute go:
The block goes over the true sound hole, stopping just behind or at the edge of the hole towards the end of the flute, placing the block further towards the mouthpiece will make lower register notes easier to play and squeak less but give you less control over higher register notes. I don't suggest gluing it, as spit will accumulate there after prolonged playing, use a string or shoelace band to tie it down to to the flute.
I don't care what modifications you make to the flute or where the files are shared but I ask that it not be sold or monetized, there are excellently crafted wood Native American flutes out there from real artists trying to make a living and I don't want to take any business away from them, this is just a hobby item for 3D printer fans.
If you want any changes or want the .ipt or .iam just let me know! I'm a pretty busy college student but I'll try my best
The author marked this model as their own original creation.