There is no in detail step by step how to, there is a ton of pictures, a video, and a description + hints, you should be able to pull this off, if something is unclear feel free to ask in the comments.
Part list DONE, showcase video DONE,
CHECK out the video on the bottom of this page!
ROGER THAT! Well yes, it is not made out of metal, it is not waterproof, it wont survive a nuclear blast and it is definitely not that kind of equipment, hardcore civil prep wanna be supersoldiers are looking for, but god damn i am proud of what I created here, pretty much the coolest tacticool thing I ever made to this point of time.
Rocking a Faketec node, I also added a excellent GPS antenna that pretty much gets a fix the moment you turn it on, it really is astounding, but also has its price.
No visible lights that can give your position away just like its big brother the FakeTAK “Commander” the Scout features a buzzer for audio feedback when you turn the device on/off and also the GPS on and off.
Easy accessible USB C protected by a TPU dustcover and also a TPU lanyard attached to the screw cap of the drumroll easy swapable 18650 battery.
YES just like you know it from expensive night vision and military equipment the scout features a fully functional 18650 cell slot you can swap with ease.
Its has a slight “flaw” but it really isnt that bad.
The whole build is quite advanced and not easy to build, on a scale from 1-10 I would give it a 8 on difficulty, let alone that you also need to assemble a faketec node yourself first.
A looooot of prototypes, test runs and lots of hours were put into this project I could not be more happy about the outcome!
Showcase video will be added soon as well.
I also uploaded a remixed Faketec PCB that includes mosfets so its much easier to add external hardware to it.
Dont forget to gently break out the support on the Lora Antenna base with needle nose pliers, gently wiggle it and it will come off perfectly clean and straight. (it enables collected water running down the antenna to escape)
There is a 18650 stencil insert (18650 Mark and cut) that makes it easy to prep the use of 18650 cells with the scout. Just slide the 18650 cell in with + at the front and then Mark the back area with a black marker as well the part that needs to be cut out. You can try to cut it while in the stencil but I always slide it out and nicely cut away the foil for the Mass contact outside of it.
Part list:
Faketec Node: ( Check “issues” on the github, there I uploaded an updated PCB that includes spots for Mosfets for external hardware like, GPS enable, buzzer, vibra, LED, etc)
gargomoma/fakeTec_pcb: A low-cost nrf52 device.
High sensitive GPS antenna: HA-103A
Spring for turn able Power switch: wire diameter:0.2, length: 5mm, spring diameter:2mm
2mm Metal ball for turnable switch mechanism: 2mm diameter
Micro switch for the turn able Power switch:
Spring for springloaded mass contact on the 18650 cell:
I used a spring from a ball point pen cut in length ( something between 6-10mm in length) , but you can also buy some 3.5-4mm spring in diameter.
Metal, water resistant button to be able to turn GPS on/off: self reseting:
Ipex to SMA adapter for LORA antenna ( as short as possible) : 5CM
Ipex to SMA adapter for GPS : Farbe: SMA F to RF4 F 10cm
SMA antenna ( of course you can get any other suitable antenna if you dont like this one but base can not exceed 12mm in diameter!:
Buzzer for audio feedback: 7.5x7.5x2.5MM
GPS Module:
self cutting plastic screws: M3 (50pcs) 8mm
Metal belt clip with rivets:
18650 BMS ( battery protection/ management):
Mosfets to controll buzzer and GPS module:
Pull down resistors for Mosfet: 10K Ohm
18650 unprotected Battery: source locally
Battery contact:
Metal steel band for mass contact slider: 0.15 X 8 mm 3M
Rocker screw for spring loaded mass contact slider: M2 x 16
Of course your gonna need some other stuff that you hopefully already have at home like:
superglue, flux capacitor, drillbits, pourable silicone if you want to make the antenna connections on top 100% watertight, Plutonium, PLA or PetG for the main case and TPU for the sealings and lanyard.
Recommended Oliv colored filaments for this build:
The author remixed this model.
Using parts of the housing to remodel it to a usable meshtastic node with a pvs 14 design touch.