The author remixed this model.
Of the various knurled bolt and screw fidgets out there, my favorite is the one that comes with FLSun printers. When I first got those printers, I printed the included model as a test print and found that I really liked it as a fidget, so much so that I wanted to make them as stocking stuffers for family. Thus my first version was born.
However, that required a lot of support material, a pause, and intervention before the end. So thus the need for this Version 2. This version has three pieces: The nut, same as before; the bolt, lengthened to allow the endcap to screw on, and the endcap itself. You can glue the endcap in place which will keep the nut captive.
Print quality is also better than the first version, with no supports needed.
On my printer I needed small brims to keep it from coming off the bed, but I don't think that will be needed for everyone.