Ideal for Flashforge DIY kit users seeking a practical upgrade; uses ~600g PETG for the complete set.
updated January 24, 2025



Overview: This is suitable for those who purchased the original DIY enclosure kit from Flashforge and are looking for a more convenient and practical version of the printed parts. The PETG plastic weight is approximately 600 grams for the entire set.

UPD: added skewed version as in the photo

Key Features:

  • Requires only the original panel set from Flashforge for assembly
  • Low plastic consumption (~600 grams)
  • Fast printing time (~12 hours)
  • Previous version's assembly issues have been fixed
  • Filament holder not included; use this one: Filament Holder

Manufacturing Recommendations:

  • Calibrate the printer: steps, plastic shrinkage, and flow. This is critical for large models, as linear dimension differences can reach up to 2 mm if the printer is poorly calibrated. Proper flow settings are essential for a tight and hassle-free dovetail assembly.
  • Print side panels first. Layer height should be 0.2 mm to ensure correct dimensions; otherwise, polycarbonate may not fit into the slot during assembly. Use 10 mm mouse ears to reduce the risk of detachment, and 3D glue for reliability.
  • Install side panels before further printing to reduce the risk of parts detaching from the bed. Trust my experience; I wasted about 250 grams of plastic for this reason.
  • Print riser elements and other parts. Layer height can be increased to 0.24 mm, with a simultaneous increase in line width to 0.6 mm to avoid issues with overhangs.
  • Install the drag chain and filament sensor on the printed insert.
  • Glue magnets and assemble the riser. It is then simply installed on top of the printer.


P.S. I didn't print this set entirely, as it was refined during production. However, I aimed to fix all mismatches in the original models.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

  • Riser is assembled using dovetails, ensuring reliable fixation of parts.
  • Wall thickness of the riser is reduced to 2.4 mm locally to save plastic.
  • Width of the top glass edge increased by 2 mm, preventing it from falling "into the printer" during careless opening.
  • Riser height increased by 5 mm to provide clearance for the PTFE tube and ease of filament replacement without removing the top panel.
  • Improved version of the filament sensor holder added. It now fits without issues.
  • Version of the front left part for Xiaomi thermometer added. Xiaomi Thermometer
  • Side panel parts redesigned to ensure uniform surface quality after printing. In the previous version, some parts had different textures due to varying print orientations. Now, the front panel faces us with the top print layer, while the left and right panels face with the bottom.
  • Additional screw holes added where needed for tighter plastic fit.
  • Screw holes have an oval shape along the part to compensate for possible plastic shrinkage or printer inaccuracies.
  • Dovetails added for side panels, making the joint elegant and tight.
  • Minor size deviations corrected for ease of future possible remixes.
