HSW Border for LED Strip

Just clip this border around your Honeycomb Storage Wall (HSW), add an LED strip and enjoy the ambient light!
updated January 6, 2025



This border is easily attached to your existing Honeycomb Storage Wall (HSW).
It features an angled backside on which you can install an LED strip (10 mm) that gives a you nice indirect lighting around the HSW.

Which parts you need depends mainly on the number of hexagon columns you've got. If the number is odd, you need to pay particular attention to which parts you need, as further described below.

Important information - read before printing

Because of the hexagonal nature of the wall, there are several shapes possible. You may need to print different types of corners and you may need to mirror some or all of the provided stl files to fit your wall. 

The parts are attached with inserts so you will need to have empty honeycombs at their ends. This means you need to choose the length of the border parts in such a way, that they span across any fixed inserts, e.g. the connector of two wall segments, if you screwed that part into the wall and can't move it.

The stl files are oriented for printing. Their top side will face the wall.

The parts are designed without tolerance. Extensive overextrusion might lead to a bad fit. It is recommended to print only one part at first and test the fit.


 The corners come in 2 versions, for “sharp” and “flat” corners

  • even number of columns: you will need to print two corners of each type (check, if you need to mirror them).
  • odd number of columns: you will need to print EITHER two corners of each type OR four cornes of a single type, depending on your wall (check, if you need to mirror them).


There are 2 types of borders: horizontal and vertical. Check that the chosen border segments can be installed in free honeycombs. Also consider which hexagons are already occupied by the corners when choosing the needed length of borders.

Vertical Borders are quite simple, as they follow a straigt line of hexagons at the left and right side of your HSW. Just count the number of hexagons you need.

Horizontal Borders are installed at the top and bottom of the HSW. Because of the alternating arrangement of hexagons along this axis they are designed in lengths that are a multiple of two. 

  • even number of columns: just choose parts you need to fill your border
  • odd number of columns: Pay attention to the orientation of the border with regard to the corners, as they will only fit on one side. On the other side you will need a part with an odd length (parts h1a, h1b, h3a, h3b). If you have different corners at the top and bottom, you will also need a different version of the odd part.


Print the parts on their flat side as they are provided - no supports needed.
0.2 mm layer height, 3 walls, 4 top&bottom

Remix ideas

  • Larger corner pieces with more than one attachment point
  • Different angle of the LED strip placement surface
  • 120° corner pieces for not-rectangular HSW


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Created a border that is directly clipped to the HSW and allows the installation of an LED strip, reusing the insert
