This is a 6d that has some various outcomes on it for White Elephant Gift exchanges.
The idea is everyone picks a gift, opens their gift then everyone goes around in a clock-wise motion everyone rolls the dice, then has to follow the outcome.
Locked - The persons gift cannot be traded.
Trade Right - Trade with the person to your right.
Trade Left - Trade with the person to your left.
Trade Across - Trade with the person across the table from you.
Trade with anyone - Trade with anyone of your picking.
Skip - Do nothing / Skips Turn / Holds Gift
In the event that the person to your right/left is “locked” skip over that person, and trade with the next available person. If you get the “Trade Across” and their gift is locked, used the person in the next spot going clockwise.
There is also a “Locked” coin, this is to mark locked gifts if you so chose to use it.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.