Stop flushing your money down the drain for gift bags. Finally, a use for that cardboard tube when you've finished the paperwork after your porcelain cruise. Just a handy little template I came up with while farting around wrapping some stocking stuffers. These little boxes are also convenient to contain small parts clogging up your workspace surfaces.
This quick print (~15 min) uses minimal filament (~5g per guide). There are two sizes of guides depending on how flattened you want the box to be. I may make additional sizes if there are any requests, but these have worked well for me.
Just use sensible defaults
The attached pictures show key steps, but if you're not into that whole brevity thing, here are some words:
At this point, you have converted a toilet paper tube into a nugget-sized container. You can glue some decorative paper to the outside, paint it, or whatever you feel is appropriate. You can even wrap a ribbon lengthwise to make it look nice and keep the ends from dumping out the contents unexpectedly.
Good luck, happy wrapping, and please wash your hands.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.