You've all seen the Space Marine, but what is a Marine without xenos to purge? This is actually what I was aiming to do with the Spider Legs mod I did a few weeks ago, after watching Pariah Nexus and seeing Illuminor Szeras. So now, to complete the set, here's the rest of the Necron! Make it with default legs, make it with spider legs, the world's your oyster.
- Tachyon Arrow forearm piece (with insert bit for color!)
- Staff of Light (with insert)
- Lychguard Shield (in two parts!)
- Phase Sword (is that what it's called?)
- Cryptek-styled head
- Overlord/lord head
- Basic footsoldier head
- Three cowls - split hood, full hood, no hood
- Hip pauldrons (idk what to call them lol)
At the moment, I don't have a Gauss Cannon, since I couldn't really figure out how to make one that would print reliably without failing and be easy enough to print with NO supports.
For this model, you can use a base Dummy 13 for everything EXCEPT:
- torso
- abdomen
- waist, hips
The legs, neck and arms you already have will be just fine.
I could not figure out a good way to keep the shield bits together, so they will need to be glued. Just the front and back, maybe the handle if you want to keep it sturdier.
For the torso, all of the actual chest pieces are the same. The different cowls are entirely different parts that fit in by sliding over the spine bit and into a slot on top of the spine. They might need a bit of force to fit in, but it's better than it being loose all the time.
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but more diagrams never killed anyone.
This is the most complex part. These bits fit in on my printer, but the tolerances are a bit tight. The way these work is, you print the head, then print the eye (and forehead for the lord) inserts in your chosen color, then put the eyes into the head, then the head frame. They might need some force, but they should just slide in after a bit of wiggling.
The Cryptek head insert is the easiest, the lord and soldier eyes are a bit trickier. Here's how they fit in:
They're held in place between the front of the head and the frame bit for the head.
These are still slightly WIP! If you run into issues, please let me know, I'll do what I can to fix the models if they're broken.
The author remixed this model.
Redid the entire torso and hips.