Anya Forger from Spy x Family

Anya is one of the main characters of the Spy x Family series; she is the adopted daughter of Loid and Yor Forger.
updated December 15, 2024



Anya Forger is one of the main characters of the Spy x Family series; she is a telepath whose abilities were created in an experiment conducted by an unknown organization. Anya is the adopted daughter of Loid and Yor Forger and is a student in Cecile Hall at Eden Academy. The model is ~ 130 mm tall. This is a multi-part remix based on a single print Anya.

Print Instructions:

  • Resolution: 0.2 mm unless noted.
  • 20% fill (grid) unless noted.
  • Sliced with Cura
  • Small parts were printed at 100% fill and 50% slower than recommended for my printer.

White: eSUN PLA+ White

  • Eye_white (2)
  • Legs
  • Collar

Black: eSUN PLA+ Black

  • Body (Cura support used for the bottom part of the arms; removing support from the hand hole was problematic)
  • Eye_black (L and R)
  • Shoes (support at 70° grid sometimes helped make the straps come out nice)
  • Haircones (2)

Gold: eSUN Silk Gold PLA

  • Skirt_bottom
  • Seams front (2) and back
  • Arm_cuff (L and R)
  • collarframe (Cura support grid at 70; frame is quite fragile using the silky metal)
  • Tie_medal
  • Haircone_bling (2)

Skin tone: Paramount 3D Universal Beige

  • head (Front and Back)
  • hands (L and R)

Pink: eSUN PLA+ Pink

  • hair (Cura support at 70° lines)

Translucent Green: SUNLU Clear Green PLA

  • eyelens (2)

Red: eSun PLA+ Fire Engine Red

  • tie (2)

Head: Getting the head into (and out of) the hair is challenging and it requires some practice; I recommend practicing a dry fit with no eyes in place. I first put in the back of the head into the hair and scraped away as much excess plastic using it with a pair of needle nose pliers. In addition, shaving off the print bed seam off of the back of the head also helps. Once the back of the head goes in smoothly, remove it, and insert the head front into the hair perpendicular to its final placement and gently rotate the face forward. There seems to be a little more wiggle room with a clockwise rotation. With the face pushed fully forward in the hair, slip the back of the head behind the face, again using a set of needle nose pliers. It’s a tight fit and it takes a little force.  Worst case scenario is to print the back of the head at 90-95% in the x-axis (ear to ear) because this is the tightest dimension in the model. 

Once you can routinely assemble and disassemble the head, snap the white eyes into the L & R black eye. The white eye is oriented in the same direction with the classic manga dot in the upper left in each eye. Push each eye into the front of the head such that the white part of the eye is flush with the opening. I used needle nose pliers to assemble both eyes and to push the eyes into place – no glue is needed. After the eyes are in place, add a drop of clear drying glue to the black pupil and place a green lens on each eye and another small drop of clear drying glue on top of the lens. Adjust the lens so it covers the black pupil and manga white dot. Once the eyes are fully dry, insert the head front and back into the hair as described above – no glue is necessary. Assemble the haircones and glue them to the hair using a fast-setting glue.

Body: Slide in the seams and snap the arm cuffs and skirt bottom to the body. Glue the tie medal and tie to the white collar. After drying, glue the gold collar frame to the body and then the collar to the frame. Again, it’s best to do a dry fit to make sure that the collar assembly snaps into place. Glue in both hands and then the head. There is intentionally some wiggle room to position the hands and head to your liking.

Legs: Slip the shoes onto the legs. The shoes fit snugly and don’t require glue, but a drop of glue can be added to the inside of the shoe, it actually helps slipping on the shoes. You may have to sand/shave some plastic from the feet to get the shoes on without breaking the shoe strap. Again, I recommend a couple of dry runs before gluing. The legs can then be glued into the body to complete the model.

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

This a multi-part version of the single print Anya model at ~ 130 mm tall.
