I printed these accessories at 0.1mm layer height with 0.4mm nozzle. 2 walls, 12 top/bottom, 15% grid infill, no support. You can either print several baubles at once, very close together, or increase the minimum layer time (10 seconds+), or you may find a bauble curls up and detaches early on due to insufficient layer cooling. I found I didn't need adhesion for the star as long as the bed has fully heated to the edges (I printed mine near the edge), but I couldn't get away without a 3-line brim on the baubles, just slightly inconvenient to tidy up after printing, with a knife or small deburring tool but at least that's on the hidden rear of the bauble.
The star is designed to fit the size of the tree tip. Might need adjustment either drill out or add a tiny blob of blutack, this STL fits my printed tree snugly.
The baubles - took me a while to think up a way to invisibly mount them in the tree. In the end I went with printing a hole in the bauble and jamming into it a piece of the same filament used for the tree - use snipe-nose pliers to grip the filament so you can push it in, the fit is tight. The filament doesn't have to go all the way into the hole, just until it's well gripped. You can then poke the free end of the filament into the tree between the branches to hold the bauble where you want it. The filament has to be quite short high up in the tree, but needs to be longer lower down, so start with a piece about 2" long and then trim it according to where it's going. I sharpened the end by snipping with fine sidecutters to help it slip between the branches.
I needed to have repositionable baubles because I'm terrible at tree decoration! Once you've decided how you want them arranged, you could mount them without the filament using a blob of hot glue, or superglue and a squirt of accelerator, it's up to you.
Please Like this model if you find it useful, and Like the tree source page as well of course!
If you REALLY like it, https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gigabeast :o)
The author remixed this model.
The tree itself is perfect, just grab it from the included link.
The addition here is a star and baubles.