I rebuilt my Flying Bear Reborn 2 into a very custom Voron Trident 350. At some point it was time to replace the old dual-Z with the Trident's triple. To make thing fit and line up properly, I worked out these modified Z-stepper plates. After getting the experience with aTinyShellScript's XY gantry metal plates, I wanted to continue this trend and use metal plates everywhere possible.
So, I have nearly designed a whole Z-gantry that uses metal plates and printed adapters without any bed extrusions needed, possibly adding some Z-travel aswell at least in my case.
Check this stuff out on your own volition. I will not take any responsibilites what happens to your printer.
The author remixed this model.
removed any fancy geometrics for ease of printing or using them for laser cutter for metal stepper plates; added elongated stepper holes for adjustments in case there might be some misalignments, works best with metal plates;