Elegant Gift Boxes - Slim + Fast print - Full parametric FreeCAD model

Easy to print will low filament use for faster printing. Additionaly FreeCAD model with parameters custom boxes.
updated December 26, 2024



Loved the model from @BCE_Gatin but I wanted to have more individual sizes. So I contructed it with FreeCAD. I like slim models with not to much filament use to have faster printing time. For me the perfect wall width is 1.2mm and 0.8mm for the first layers. 

To edit the model you need FreeCAD 1.0 (https://www.freecad.org/downloads.php) and here you can edit all the values in “VarSet”. To export the model for the use in your slicer you have to mark all neccessary objects ("Box", “Cover”, “Bow-A” and “Bow-B”) then clicke File → Export… and choose .3mf as format.

The following things are configurable (parameters in square brackets [] are caculated automatically, but you can adjust them):

  • Width and Length (min 30mm)
  • Height (min 10mm)
  • Radius of the edges (min 0.1mm)
  • Wall width of Box (min 0.8mm, default 1.2mm)
  • [Cover height (min 6mm, max Height of Box)]
  • Clearance (min 0mm, default 0.3mm)
  • Bottom width of first fully printed layers from box and cover (default 0.8mm)
  • [Bow Position in delta X and Y (default: centered on one end, for middle center set both to 0mm)]
  • [Bow width (default same as cover height)]


If you have any questions you can ask me in the comments.


Printed with standard configuartion of 0.2mm layer height and 0.4mm nozzle.




Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

  • thinner walls
  • fully parametric
