#0189 [UPDATED] Fanout Playing Cards Case, V1 [ V2 now available ]

A cool storage case for your playing cards that opens out like a fan. Check out the GIFs attached!
22 k
updated February 10, 2025



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And then check out my other models for something else you might like!


[UPDATE Jan 4, 2025]  My fanout card case seems to have gotten very positive reception from the community, so I wanted to make it even better in this version, V2. The 2 areas I've gotten the most feedback about are:

  1. Make the 1st layer cover stay on the inner case better: this was done by thickening the inner case a bit to give room for me to grow the pin engagement with the slot.
  2. Add more clearances so that older or less calibrated printers can still print it with good results: I've increased the gap between covers from 0.12mm to 0.16mm.  I don't want to make it too loose because that affects how well the covers hold on to each other.  The added clearance also makes the model less sensitive to some over extrusion - I hope this helps.
  3. BONUS #2: Pokeball Inner Case added.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the changes above, V2 is NOT compatible or interchangeable with V1 parts.


[UPDATE Dec 30, 2024]  I'm working on creating a Star Wars Series of Fanout Card Cases, to be published as each one becomes ready.  The ones I plan on releasing are:

  1. Jedi Order - Released Feb 10, 2024, here.
  2. Galactic Empire - coming soon!
  3. Old Republic - coming soon!
  4. Galactic Republic - coming soon!
  5. Rebel Alliance - coming soon!


For playing cards, a card case is a card case is a card case, right? NOT SO!  This card case takes a more dramatic approach to revealing your playing cards - check it out.

*** ATTENTION: PLEASE READ the printing directions before printing.  ***

PLEASE NOTE: This case is for a standard deck of bare cards only.  If you are interested in fitting a deck with its original box inside this case, voice your interest in the comments, and I might publish a separate model that accommodates just that.  

Key Features:

  1. Four layers of nested covers that open up like a fan.
  2. The inner box is raised (floats) by the opening action by about 8mm.
  3. Sits upright on the table when fully open.
  4. No supports needed for printing.

4 Variants offered for the Inner Case:

  1. With a Hearts emblem.
  2. With a Spades emblem.
  3. With a Clubs emblem.
  4. With a Diamonds emblem.
  5. Bonus: with a Transformers Autobot emblem (my son likes them).


  1. Print Inner Box in PLA/PETG.
  2. For all other parts, print in PETG/ABS/PC recommended for durability.  PLA works too but may not be as durable as you'd like.
  3. The parts in this model require careful printing to minimize warpage from part corners lifting off the bed during printing - Use the .3mf file of the models provided for best results - they have painted seams and adhesion helpers that I've used for successful prints.
  4. If you don't use the .3mf file, adhesion helpers are still highly recommended.


This model relies on properly extruded thin walls to close properly. It's important that your printer extrudes your filament correctly. If you are not sure that the extrusion multiplier is well-adjusted per your filament, do a test print of 1 cover first. For example, if the wall thickness of your 1st thru 3rd layer cover walls measure 1.32mm (should be 1.2mm nominal) your printer is over extruding by about 9-10% - so set your extrusion multiplier to 0.90 or 0.91 (instead of 1) and try again. The model can tolerate a little bit of over extrusion (up to 2-3%) but above that, the covers will not open or close properly - it won't close all the way, and the excessive friction will mess up the opening action as well.

As far as I can tell, the material-dependent over-extrusion happens particularly on models with thin walls (1.2mm), like this one.  

If you don't do the test print above, you might see this result (below): the case not closing all the way.

If there is a chorus of voices that the wall thicknesses are too thin, I might make a thicker-wall version.  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Printing Quantities:

  • 1x of the Inner Case, of your choice from above
  • 2x of the 1st Layer Cover
  • 2x of the 2nd Layer Cover
  • 2x of the 3rd Layer Cover
  • 2x of the 4th Layer Outer Cover
  • 1x of the Outer Bottom Case

Assembly Instructions (do not assemble out of sequence!):

  1. 1st set of covers: Start with the 4th Layer Outer Cover and >snap< in the 3rd Layer Cover, then the 2nd Layer Cover.
  2. Then lastly, >snap< in the 1st Layer Cover.
  3. At this point, you should be able to open and close the fan out covers (gently) by themselves.  This indicates that the hinge points are properly seated with each other.
  4. 2nd set of covers: Repeat for the other 4 covers.
  5. See the last GIF in the pics section and follow directions below:
    1. Snap the nested covers into the Outer Bottom Case - one set at a time - as shown.
    2. Gently - fan out the covers as far as the covers will open without slipping out of their tabs and pockets. 
    3. Last step (do not do out of sequence): Gently open up the 1st Layer Cover (while fanned out) and tuck the Inner Case inside so that the tab and slots mate on both sides - you typically hear a >click< when they find their place.
  6. Open and close the fan out case a few times to check that the hinges, tabs, and slots are fully seated.
  7. Insert your favorite bare deck of playing cards and enjoy!

NOTE:  for the fan out mechanism to work smoothly, you'll need to exercise (open and close) the entire motion a few dozen times.  After that, it should work very smoothly.


If you add this to your collection and/or download the model, please >click< the LIKE button and give it some STARS!

Remember, you can earn some Prusameters if you post a pic of your make!  Plus, it would make my day to see it. ;-D

Happy Printing!

P.S. Please post some constructive feedback if you'd like to see something improved.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
