any chance we can get gridfinity shelves with magnet holes?
any chance we can get gridfinity shelves with magnet holes?
Why 5/16" hex for the internal size of the bolts? If you made the internal hex 1/4", people could just use the back of any 1/4" hex screwdriver bit, instead of needing to find a 5/16" allen wrench
@zaph3_2832708 a printable tool is available aswell
Thanks for being open source!
@MrExo3D here's an image of what I am experiencing when printing the GOEWS 4x5 Tile Stack with 0.4mm Spacer.3mf file. The PLA is being dropped into the voids of the Tile and causing the printer to fault. Any way to change the file to only print the Spacer on the Tile itself?
Yes, I watched that video and followed the directions but the PLA Spacer is still stringing up over the voids of the tile below and causing failures. Is there a way to remove the spacer material over the voids?
I printed a small sample with bin shelf and I’m unsure if something is off with my tolerances or if the connectors just don’t fit as snuggly as I’d like. Without a bolt, I can wiggle the shelf up and down, exposing about a 1mm gap at the top of the shelf (were the bolt would be). Adding a bolt obviously remedies this problem, but I’d like to avoid needing to bolt literally everything.
@dstrelau_2859434 keep in mind that im talking 0.15mm tolerance. not a big gap lol
@MrExo3D I understand. But it makes things just wiggly enough that I’m worried about knocking shelves or brackets off the wall. Again, screws can fix it. I understand your reasoning.
As I've been playing with the tiles I was thinking it might be nice if the cleats on the tiles were less sharp. I realized that making the cleats a little thicker might also improve the strength a bit.
To test it I made a 4x4 tile based on the original hex one with the same thickness but the profile shifted back by 1 mm. This makes the cleats thicker and removes the 1mm lip that was at the back.
I put it up with my other test tiles. The original and the lite tiles held at 25lb and failed at 30lb. With this new tile, it held at 40lb and failed at 45lb. This is without the screw as well so this is all on the cleats.
An interesting side-effect is that with the front and rear planes shifted forward like this it appears to use less filament than even the lite tiles. That's a nice bonus on top of the 60% increase in the amount of weight it can hold.
@jfunk_1687633 if you can share with me the file you made I will take a look
@MrExo3D I tried to get a Windows installation up and running so I could load in Fusion360 but it stopped booting after an update and I gave up trying to get it working again so I did it in Sketchup:
It's not a perfect recreation as the hole is not threaded and there is no chamfer on the outside, but I was focused on testing the overall structure with the thicker cleats.
I am now working on getting this modeled in OpenSCAD. That would enable online generators. (and allow me to not have to deal with Windows)
Do you have a discord for this project?
I just tested the 4x4 lite tile against the normal 4x4 both attached to plywood on my wall. I didn't have a hanging scale so I used lifting weights. I first used the "Single Plate Single Hook 20mm" hooks but one of them snapped at 20lb before it pulled out. I switched to "Single Plate Single Hook 40mm Long 20mm Wide" and they worked better.
In the end the hooks held at 25lb and pulled out at 30lb regardless of plate. I used one of the middle slots in an attempt to get the worst case result. This is without the bolt as well. I may go back and try with the bolts.
This is all PLA (Natureworks Ingeo 4043D from Eureka Filaments) with no special settings. I just used my standard PLA profile with .2 layer height, 2 walls, and 10% gyroid infill.
It looks like the lite tiles are indeed viable.
@jfunk_1687633 thanks for testing , good to know
I retested with the bolts.
At 35lb the hooks themselves broke. I reprinted the hooks using 4 walls and 40% gyroid and they were perfect.
At 45lb it gets a bit iffy. It held but you could tell it's not something you should trust.
At 50lb one of the bolt heads popped causing the hook to pull out but it held with another one. As those were printed with 2 walls and 10% infill, I suspect more walls and infill would be a good idea for them.
With the 50lb, both plates were deflecting off the wall of course, but by similar amounts. If you really needed it to hold something heavy in a specific place you could simply populate one or more of the screw holes near that location. Perhaps there would be a bigger difference in the middle of a 6x6 tile, but I can't test that as I am a Linux guy and can't run Fusion360 to generate one.
At this point, I would probably recommend having the lite tiles be the default ones.
Tilted Gridfinity Shelf. (edited)
Rack for Small Paints.