Letter opener Improved

Letter opener improved version
1h 4m
2× print file
0.15 mm
0.40 mm
18.00 g
updated November 24, 2024



The original design used a Xacto blade  (https://www.printables.com/model/432329-x-acto-letter-opener). 
The advantage is that the blade is pretty small. I wanted to use a part (3 break-off pieces) of a standard small hobby knife. (In German "Japanmesser").

My first published design I noticed that it does not work well under all circumstances because the angle of the blade is too steep. I modified the design to have a lower angle. Unfortunately to get a workable design I had to make the body longer.
I also checked out an existing commercial model I had, and copied the little “arc” that is supposed to hold the paper down.

So far it seems to work better.

I printed with an MK4S with 0.4HS Nozzle with 1.5 layer structural.

In the 3mf file I added a pause where you have to put in the blade. Be sure that the blade is down completely and oriented correctly. 
To be sure I carefully used a very small drop of superglue to hold the blade in place when the printing continues.

When you want to change the design I added the F3D files. Be aware I am not a trained mechanical designer, and designed this “by the seat of my pants”.

Have fun, and when you print and/or modify it please share your results.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Improved the design Better angle of the blade


Highlighted models from creator

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