Dual vortex adaptor for 15 mL centrifuge tubes

I remixed SteveW91's Dual Vortex adaptor to fit any lab vortexer and to be able to fit 15 ml PP centrifuge tubes
updated November 16, 2024



I needed to vortex multiple centrifuge tubes for 10 min each so I decided to rework this into a tool to be able to vortex 9 in parallel saving me a lot of time. The tubes simply slide in to the desired height and then the whole carrousel is simply pushed onto the lab vortexer. I printed it “shaft-side” up with supports on the build plate.

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

The bottom is changed to a semi-circle so that it will fit into generally every lab vortexer, furthermore the shaft is made a bit longer to account for the 15 mL polypropylene centrifuge tubes
