This is lilypad remixed from a design by Helijin which I made larger, added some holes on the bottom for (optional) stilts, and created cut-outs for the Kermit the Frog model designed by reddadsteve to sit on.
The idea of the stilts are to allow Kermit to sit in a birdbath above the waterline, and make it look like he is floating on the birdbath on his lilypad. If you don't want the stilts you just don't print them and it will sit flat on the pad.
I printed both the stilts and the lilypad at 100% infill, .2mm height. You probably don't need to make them 100% infill but that's just what I did, so I can't vouch for it if you choose a different percentage though I doubt it would be much of an issue.
The stilts fit pretty snugly into the holes on the bottom (you will need to print 3 stilts) but you can glue them in if you want. I also didn't glue kermit to the pad because he sits pretty securely in the cut-outs designed for him, but you could glue him if you want; I prefer to have him not glued so people can pick him up to look at him.
If you want to raise or lower the stilts to fit at your preferred water level, you should just be able to raise/lower the Z axis height in your slicer. With the stilts inserted, the entire pad sits about 50mm high; without stilts, its about 10mm thick or so.
Thanks to both Helijin and reddadsteve for their two designs, and if anyone makes one of these I would love to see your prints!
Printer Brand: Prusa
Printer: i3 MK3
Rafts: Doesn't Matter
Supports: No
Resolution: .2
Infill: 100%
I used some acrylic sealer to give it a nice finish and also plan to put some UV protectant on it to help minimize bleaching from the sun.
The author remixed this model. Imported from Thingiverse.
Took an existing lily pad and modeled it so that Kermit could sit better