This grow tent protects our seedlings against squirrels and birds. It is a remix of various models, which we published individually in the past.
We used PETG for all printed parts. We used EN20 electrical pipes (Stangenrohr with 20 mm outer diameter) and we filled the bottom pipes with sand.
Cut the PVC pipes to length and close one side with a plug or a cork, then fill the pipe with sand.
Tipp: Softening the electrical pipe with hot air works very well if the pipe's inner diameter is slightly too small for the plug. You can of course also adjust the diameter of the plug in the OpenSCAD file.
To get the sand into the pipe, poke its open end into the sand bag, then shake it to settle the sand towards the plug. Repeat if necessary until it is heavy enough.
Drill three holes into the corner piece(s). Do this carefully and slowly. You might want to run the drill backwards (ccw) to avoid cracking the layers.
The screws are optional, but we recommend them at least for long or heavy rods (with sand).
The peep hole makes the alignment of the rods easy.
Close the peep holes with a plug to keep rain out – at least the ones at the top of your contraption.
Optional: Add “Roomba Stopper” feet …
We fixed the net to the frame using floral wire. Zip ties should also work.
If you want to attach a click-on gable, check this thing out.
Have fun! ☺
The author remixed this model.