LTT Tech Sack DIY over the shoulder strap buckle (and hang on fingers buckle)

LTT Tech Sack is great but it can't be worn over the shoulder without modifications. This is why I created such thing.
updated December 13, 2024



If you print this and buy 40mm wide strap, you will be able to take your LTT Tech Sack with you over the shoulder. I have also made a part that will enable you to take it with you hanging on your fingers.

How I printed it

(naming scheme for the parts is a bit lower)

I have used 3 walls/perimeters and 25% gyroid infill on all the parts. I have printed with Prusament Orange PETG filament which suits LTT orange accent color well in my opinion.

I have printed everything in the original orientation of the model, which means the case buckle is oprinted standing upright. Hooks can be printed without using support but with case buckle I used tree support and threshold angle of 30 degrees. You can definitely try printing the buckle lying flat, but you would have to use supports too and will end up with different looks. Mine looks kinda smooth and shiny on flat/round surfaces but is rougher over the edges. I have also used supports for finger buckle, strap buckle and strap adjuster. Be aware though - don't use supports in the screw holes, otherwise they will get clogged up with them!

UPDATE: After a month of everyday use the case buckle broke. I have printed it again in -90 degrees over X-axis orientation (lying flat) and now I'm using this 3D printed version. Will be back with more info after some period of testing.

How to assemble it

Before we start assembling it, I have to get you familiar with how I named the parts.

Naming scheme

This is hook, you will need three of them and one of each end hooks (one for screw and one for nut):

This is case buckle (already screwed on the hooks):

This is strap buckle:

This is strap adjuster (to adjust the length of the strap):

This is finger buckle:

1) Preparing the nut in the end hook

Put M4 stop nut (with nylon ring in it) inside the end hook nut. It will not go in - the hole is 6.9mm while the nut should be 7mm. You can push it in if you press it against the table and then pull it fully in using the screw. You can do this by putting end hook nut and end hook screw face to face and just screw in M4 screw until it pulls the nut in.

2) Attaching the hooks

You need to attach the hooks on the strap of LTT Tech Sack, which needs a bit of fiddling. Attach them in zig zag pattern (attach one end hook, then middle one turned 180 degrees, then another middle again 180 rotated to the previous one and so on). It should go like this:

3) Putting in the case buckle

Than you put the buckle in between the hooks and run M4x50mm screw through all the holes and screw it in the stop nut. By tightening the screw you can make it either looser or tighter to your liking.

3.5) Prepare the strap

You have to prepare 40mm wide strap by yourself.

I'm 1.7 meters tall and I used kinda the same length strap (before sewing the ends). I have the adjuster almost on my shoulder (which is not good), if I used say 20 centimeters shorter strap, it would be better as adjuster would be more on my chest instead of shoulder. You can cut it anytime and just make new loop on the end and reassemble, though.

You would need to sew it closed on both ends and make it fit the spacer in the loop (and give it more room which you will need; maybe so you can put a finger in the loop). It should look like this:

4) Assembling the strap

Now you have to do the strap. Put one end of it in the strap buckle like this:

Then put one spacer inside the loop:

Then pull the strap narrower and put the spacer in between the buckle like this:

If you succeeded, just screw the M4x50mm screw in. It will self-tap into the buckle.

Now make the loop on the strap like on the image below. Mind the strap orientation and adjuster orientation - this is important to do right. Mind the side without the hole on the adjuster and how the cut corners on it are oriented (away from you). Also mind how the end of the strap is oriented towards the adjuster buckle - so it doesn't scratch on your jacket later.

Then just put in the spacers in the adjuster and strap buckle - on the image above it's already there - and screw in M4x50 screws into the adjuster and strap buckle and you are done!

If you screwed up when assembling, just take the screws out, disassemble and try again.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
