Wonderwall Multiboard Panel

Adding multiboard to your Wonderwall. Having a nice design + the full multiboard flexibility.
updated November 11, 2024



Welcome to the exciting world of Wonderwall - the wall mounting solution with wonders and miracles.

This is the Wonderwall Multiboard Panel. You can attach a 8x8 mulboard corner tile using this, extending the flexibility by Wonderwall.

About Wonderwall

Wonderwall is a generic and versatile wall mounting framework. It is meant to be as extendable as possible while packing everything into a small footprint. Wonderwall can be used organise your things (for example using the multiboard (with miracle), HSW or Swedish Pegboard Panel), add light (for example using the plain light panel) or add decor elements as you like. Browse Wonderwall compatible models on on printables, on makerworld.

Wonderwall is based on a 100x100mm base grid size for one “quarter” panel, while its base “full” panel is using 200x200mm.

Using the Wonderwall Multiboard Panel

What you need to print

Print with 3 perimeters and at least 20% infill.


Screw the panel you printed onto the Wonderwall Mount panel using 4/6 Wonderwall Multiconnect Back Cover Screws. I recommend using foldable versions for at leat the upper corners.

When the back panel is attached slide the Snap Part A connectors (provided here) over the multiconnect connectors. They should just snap into place. Ensure they are rotated in a way the multiboard tile can be attached.

The attach the multiboard tile. It might be a little bit trick to get those in, but you get the hang of it.

Finally use the multiboard Snap Part B to secure the board in place.

Extending Wonderwall

Wonderwall is meant to be as open and extendible as possible. As of this it is released under a permissive licensed and I provide all the STEP and also Shapr3D files. In addition I do provide base modeling files you can use. I really hope Wonderwall can grow into a 3D printing solution loved and extended by many people, so if anything is missing please drop me a note.

When you extend Wonderwall please add the tag “wonderwall” to all of your models. This way people can find your models on printables, on makerworld any other platforms.

Credits to Jonathan (KeepMaking) for creating multiboard. Many thanks for also releasing STEP files for easily creating remixes such as this one.

Please be sure to also respect the license of all things based on multiboard. This license also applies to all of the models here, though it cannot be select on printables.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Used those models to create the mounting solution for multiboard.
