Remodeled this can holder from scratch to make a few key changes to the parent model:
- Model now nests so two halves of it can be printed on a single MK3s build plate, meaning you only need two print jobs to complete the unit, not 4.
- Created a more robust peg-attachment system to remove the need for clamping while waiting for CA glue to dry, simply place a dot on each side of the 3 pegs, and push together.
- Added a V-clip system to mount the two side-halves together without the need for glue (although glue doesn't hurt). Simply hold the two parts together and slide the v-clip down the channel. The fit is meant to be tight, and will keep the clip in place due to the ribbing of the model. If you find this is too tight, you may need to try scaling up the clip by 1-2% in x and y. I found the size included works well but needs a light tap in with a rubber mallet.
- Front now has a flat area for a tape label, which also doubles as a pull point to slide the assembly out of a shelf
- Peg holes extend to the sides of the system, allowing you to use additional pegs to chain multiple sets together so they stay perfectly aligned in the shelving.
This system is sized to hold 8x US cans (3" diameter x 4.43" height). Overall dimensions 342mm deep, 118mm wide, 108mm tall.
I built these with a 0.6mm nozzle and PLA. Note if you are not planning on using the pegs between neighbor units, you can delete 3 of the pegs out of the trays. I used a brim on the clips and snug supports on the pegs.
The author remixed this model.
Differences of the remix compared to the original
Remodeled from scratch to make a few key changes:
- Model now nests so two halves of it can be printed on a single MK3s build plate, meaning you only need two prints to assemble, not 4.
- Created a more robust peg-attachment system to remove the need for clamping while waiting for CA glue to dry, simply place a dot on each side of the 3 pegs, and push together.
- Added a V-clip system to mount the two side-halves together without the need for glue (although glue doesn't hurt). Simply hold the two parts together and slide the v-clip down the channel. The fit is meant to be tight, and will keep the clip in place due to the ribbing of the model. If you find this is too tight, you may need to try scaling up the clip by 1-2%. I found the size included works well but needs a light tap in with a rubber mallet.
- Front now has a flat area for a tape label, which also doubles as a pull point to slide the assembly out of a shelf
- Peg holes extend to the sides of the system, allowing you to use additional pegs to chain multiple sets together so they stay perfectly aligned in the shelving.
This system is sized to hold 8x US cans (3" diameter x 4.43" height). Overall dimensions 342mm deep, 118mm wide, 108mm tall.