Universal and self centering holder for all kinds of spools
updated January 27, 2025



It works with spools from 500g to 5kg size and up to 100mm wide ones. Spools made from cardboard also fit nicely. The cone shaped rollers make it that the spool wont topple and always runs in the middle, without scraping the spools side. Also spools with an odd aspect ratio (big diameter but thin) do run just fine. No bearings needed, but an option for using some is included. Fits neatly in IKEA Samla boxes (39x28x28mm - 15 ¼ x 11 x 11")

Print all parts in the given orientation with all settings as you like. No support needed, although the roller does need a brim. You dont have to print the tool part. Assembly is also possible using a coin or flat head screw driver.
Note: The holder shown in the pictures are printed at 0.3mm layer hight and 2 perimeters with a 0.6 nozzle. 


1)Assemble the parts like shown in the pictures down below. 
Make sure the dot on the Pin always faces toward the nut.
2)Tighten the nuts one by one until everything is seated firmly but runs freely. The pins are designed in such a way, that they are also self centering. Dont overtighten the nuts.
3) If you want to fit ball bearings, use 608 type ones.
Note: Lubrification is not neccessarily needed but if you want to, i'd recommend petroljelly.





Looking for some Printable 608 ball bearings? Maybe try these ones:




If you are wondering how this is self centering, id highly recommend Practical Engineerings YT channel. They have great explanations about how trains stay on their tracks. Its basically the same here, but with the spools rim being the tracks and the rollers making for train wheels. If you are also wondering why these rollers have ridges on them, it is because this helps spools with a big diameter, but smal width, to stay in center. It also protects cardboard spools from damage on its running surface


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The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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