Minimalist SD cards and USB stick holder (with extras)

Minimalist USB sticks and SD cards holder for 5+ cards, 5+ sticks with small drawer for other stuff
Your funds support the creator's further activity.
Choose one of the options to download the model:
$3 /month
updated October 6, 2024


About Minimalist SD cards and USB stick holder

This sleek, 3D-printable organizer is designed to neatly store and display your SD cards and USB sticks in a compact, modern form.

Paid / club model has STEP file included + Double size keeper model + Customisable NO LOGO versions for STL files.

Key features:

  • Slim profile for space-efficient storage
  • Multiple slots to accommodate CD cards and various USB stick sizes
  • Clean, minimalist aesthetic to complement any desk or workspace
  • Easy access design for quick retrieval of items
  • Customizable size options to fit your specific needs


Print guidelines

Here are print guidelines for you to follow in order to have decent success with printing parts:

3d printing processFDM (fused deposition modeling)
Infill typeSupport cubic, Grid, Honeycomb, Cubic
Infill percentage25%
Layer heightRecommended: 0.2mm
Wall countRecommended: 4
Solid top/bottom layersRecommended: 5
Extrusion widthForced 0.4mm


Side notes to the print guidelines

A wall count of 4 is an absolute must to ensure the structural integrity of the parts.


File naming for printed parts

The parts use this naming convention:

Count of partsFiles have “x1” to “x4” at the end of any STL file. The number represents the count of identical parts to be printed.

Example: holder_x1 (in this case you will need to print 1 part)


Special thanks

To all great 3DP community supporting what I do in so many amazing ways.


Change log

DateRevision and changes
06.10.2024Initial version (R1.0)


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Paid / Club model has multiple extras:

  • STEP file included;
  • Double size keeper model;
  • Customisable NO LOGO versions for STL files


For models acquired through Club Membership

For individual model purchases