IF YOU MISS SOMETHING - LOOK in the original V1 package. There are multiple Helix Holders, multiple bend helper for different diameter and so on. I dont wanted to just copy everything here.
So, now to the V2:
this is the V2 version of my original design (https://www.printables.com/de/model/389071-holy-the-original-qo-100-24ghz-2-45-turn-helix-dua), released in 2019 @ the QO100 - public opening.
Major Difference?
No Thread - now a fast open/close mechanism
MUCH easier to print, because NO SUPPORT NEEDED!
How does the clamping now work?
The part has theoretical split to make a hinge - Printed without support.
The split is wide enough to work, but small enough it needs no support.
After the print is finished and cooled, just “move” it a little bit and it frees up, ready to use!
because I can :) But really? The Threaded part was for some users a pita to print.
Compatible with old parts?
YES! You can use your old reflector (you find dxf etc in the V1 package!!!) and helix holder. No need to build a new metal reflector or print a new helix holder.
The holes in the helix holder are following the helix! So no ugly fiddeling the wire into it. Bend the wire with the helper and go :)
Other Changes?
also Yes. I made the cover a little bit longer to fit 4.5 turns not so flush with the cover or even to put 4.75-5 turns under it. The extra weight and lever is so lo, so why not.
I am sure to release more covers, but for now, this is the only one. Time is my problem. If you pay me, i can spend more time on it. No payment, I can only work on it at my free time, which is almost non-existend :( It is like it is.
You have no idea how to bend the HELIX?
You need another length cover? Maybe for a 2 turn? Feel free to make your own or ASK !
Happy printing
Sandor - DM4DS
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The author marked this model as their own original creation.