Landscape Charing Station w/Integrated Eyeglass Holder
I have one more part to print before this make is official. Even then, this is a super-low quality make just to expedite prototyping this project.
I did realize I forgot about the LED status light - I will most likely drill this make and update the model accordingly before my final "keeper" print.
...more to come in the morning...
So last night's print failed and I had to start it over in the AM but it's all done now.
And best of all, it works!
Stay tuned for the final "polished" make as this one is too rough, of too low quality, for me to keep forever. I want a much better print quality if it is going to set on my nightstand forever, and thus the piece of black tape and the dry fit for now...
... and seeing how everything came in sets of two, maybe another for my office desk. (edited)
I have one more part to print before this make is official. Even then, this is a super-low quality make just to expedite prototyping this project.
I did realize I forgot about the LED status light - I will most likely drill this make and update the model accordingly before my final "keeper" print.
...more to come in the morning...
So last night's print failed and I had to start it over in the AM but it's all done now.
And best of all, it works!
Stay tuned for the final "polished" make as this one is too rough, of too low quality, for me to keep forever. I want a much better print quality if it is going to set on my nightstand forever, and thus the piece of black tape and the dry fit for now...
... and seeing how everything came in sets of two, maybe another for my office desk. (edited)