Adjustable Spool Holder for Silica Gel / Spool Weight

Great model, can be scaled to fit any spool.
For perfect fit for Bambu spools I scaled it 110% on X and Y, and 106% on Z.
Perfect fit for Sunlu and 3dyajo spools is 149% on X and Y. (edited)

Bambu Lab A1
July 29, 2024 at 10:49 AM


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@zihotki_449753 I just went a little smaller, I have some other spools I can use these on if I have to, no worries just wanted to let you know. Not sure if the spool size changed or not. I went down to 145 just to be safe and I am printing the smaller of the pieces first this time LOL.

@JohnHicks_1565997 may be you can use a reamer on your spool. Sometimes they have a bit of plastic inside due to the way how the spool is made. Or filament is sticking out a bit. And please ensure that you have calibrated the print size dimensions using cube (or similar) and a caliper.

Or you can go a little smaller 148.5%