Improved Luba Blade Guards

Had to increase the diameter of the central hole by 2mm or the hub would rub against it. other than that, excellent design.

Artillery Sidewinder X2
May 27, 2024 at 2:53 PM


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@OmegaBlue_337267 yeah it will still be ok, but a big improvement with this design was stopping debris getting stuck around the small shaft and if it's too big it might just fill up with grass clippings as they now cannot escape easily unlike the original design. But potentially will still be ok, just keep an eye on it

@Joel61 well considering that the originals keep that part completely open I guess it should be OK?

really don't want to add unneccesary pressure one the motor.

@OmegaBlue_337267 nice! 2mm looks to be too large. For your printer I would increase by 0.5mm as you want it as tight as possible so grass clippings can't get inside