Insect house

ZŠ a MŠ Nymburk
Creation of a compact, positionable, modifiable and at the same time renewable skeleton of an insect house for repeated use (not only) on school grounds.
3–9 yrs
Verified by Prusa Team
Suitable printers: Prusa MINI / MINI+Prusa MK3/S/S+
updated August 24, 2022


Creation of a compact, positionable, modifiable and at the same time renewable skeleton of an insect house for repeated use (not only) on school grounds.

The focus of the target group

Elementary school students in Science lessons or the optional subject Science practice. It can also be used for field trips, recreational stays, etc. Approximate age 10-15 years (however, it can also be implemented for younger children in kindergarten).

The project was practically implemented with 5th grade and 7th grade students (due to problematic rotational teaching during the pandemic).

Necessary knowledge and skills

Basic knowledge of 3D modeling to create a frame for an insect hotel. The model is very simple, and its making can be mastered after a relatively short time in almost any 3D program. For small children or non-study types (individualization of teaching), it is mainly about practical filling of models with natural material - practical activities.

We used the Tinkercad online tool, the size of the frame is completely optional and depends on the specific location, the right to a specific space (for example, a specific space in the garden, etc.). The size can only be changed in the slicing program directly for the Prusa printer.

The model can be created in more complex shapes (polygon, etc.), but for our needs we used the most common square frame model, also for better stability and stacking ability.

It is advisable to join the individual frames by gluing using a suitable glue.

Project objectives

Goal of the project:

To learn about the importance of insects and other invertebrates for a healthy environment and the sustainability of nature as a whole and thus of human life.

Key competences:

Competences for learning are fulfilled by students independently searching, sorting, verifying and logically connecting information regarding the given issue. In addition to using information sources, they also independently observe and compare.

Competences for solving problems are fulfilled by finding multiple procedures in the implementation of this particular problem, independently proposing solutions, creating appropriate conclusions and evaluating the facts obtained.

Communicative competences are fulfilled thanks to working in groups, using appropriate communication between students (according to their individual abilities), respecting the opinions of others, discussing and formulating one's thoughts in an appropriate form. By own evaluation and appropriate response to evaluations from others, arguments and acceptance of criticism.

Social and interpersonal competences are fulfilled by respecting the life of all living organisms and especially invertebrates, appropriate communication and cooperation to solve the assigned problem during group and individual work. And further by sensibly strengthening the students’ self-confidence, but also the sense of responsibility for the work being done.

Civic competences lead to respect and appropriate adequate protection of the life of all living organisms and the non-living environment, compliance with the rules of decent behavior during and outside the classroom. Understanding of rights and obligations in connection with environmental protection, protection of one's own health and the health of loved ones.

Work competences are realized by observing safety and hygiene rules during teaching, laboratory work and field trips, during individual and group work on assigned tasks, self-organization of work, designing suitable procedures and adhering to a time schedule, using various appropriate materials and protective equipment.

Required equipment

  • Modeling 3D software Tinkercad
  • 3D printer ORIGINAL PRUSA i3 MK3S+
  • PLA filament – the color is up to you (we recommend natural and non-transparent) - we used this material because it was part of the printer's packaging, even though it is not very suitable for outdoor use (PETG filament or ASA filament is more suitable for outdoor use, but we will only work with this material in the future)
  • Superglue
  • Natural materials – pinecones, pieces of bark, wood, sticks, bamboo etc.

Project time schedule

  1. Model preparation - work in the Tinkercad modeling program on a frame model with dimensions of 90 x 90 mm, depth 60 mm, wall thickness 5 mm takes about 1 hour (after learning the basics of the program). In the program, a "cube" of the required dimensions is created, and a "hole" of the required dimensions is inserted into it.
  2. Printing - the printing time of one frame from PLA material on the ORIGINAL PRUSA i3 MK3S+ printer is 7 hours and 57 minutes. The total time must be multiplied by the number of frames required for each student.
  3. The frames are filled with natural material – cones, pieces of wood, twigs, bamboo or reeds, logs of drilled wood, bark, etc. We used group work outside the school (smaller groups of 3-4 people) combined with a field trip to the surroundings of the school.
  4. Gluing the frames takes a few minutes - it depends on the number of frames. The drying time with instant glue is only tens of seconds to minutes. It is up to each individual, depending on the conditions, whether gluing follows filling, or right at the beginning after printing, before filling the frames. For gluing, you can also use other suitable glues or a glue gun.
  5. The complete insect house is then installed to a suitable, quiet place in the school garden, home garden, park, etc. Depending on the time available, it is enough to just observe - you can follow up on other projects.


  1. Divide the students to small groups of 2-4
  2. Each group chooses its specific shape, which is possible to assemble – stack together. For beginning, choose a square frame with exact dimensions (90 x 90 mm, depth 60 mm, wall thickness 5 mm).
  3. Write down the dimensions (on the board of a piece of paper) so the instructions are clear and memorable
  4. Using the computers, students model the construction of an insect house in a suitable program (Tinkercad). Each student can work independently - then everyone in the group will create one part, which they will glue together later. Or each group will create one part together and the whole class will then assemble one insect hotel. It is appropriate to individualize - the more skilled students can use, for example, hexagonal shapes (honeycomb), the less skilled can only use a square or circular frame, etc.
  5. After checking and saving the work, each student or group can print their part (frame) in the appropriate color. Sufficient time allowance is required here – ideally overnight printing and combining several frames in one print.
  6. After complete printing, organize an outdoor expedition, the forest or the surroundings of the school to collect suitable material and fill in the individual frames. It is a good idea to have each group search for different material, so that there is more variety in the fillings of the frames.
  7. Then glue the frames into a stable shape. In the case of reuse and creation of a different shape, it is good not to glue the frames but just tie them, etc.
  8. Place the insect house to an appropriate area (school grounds, park, woods etc.)
  9. Combine further visits of the insect house with suitable lessons.
  10. After the frame fillings have deteriorated, they can be refilled and used for the next and the next and the next season.
  11. For the needs of younger children, it is advisable to prepare the constructions of the insect hotel in advance and use younger students (preschool) only for collecting and filling the frames and then use them for observing insects in nature - ideally combine with drawing, counting, photography, etc.


Marek Velechovský, class 7.A a 5.B - ZŠ a MŠ Nymburk, Tyršova 446

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
