Temat konkursu:
Holiday Decorations and Ornaments (Zakończony)

1 grudnia 2021 – 19 grudnia 2021 o 22:59
576 wpisów

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Solstice, or just love ringing in the new year in style, we want to see your designs to help us celebrate this special time of year. This of course isn’t our first time holding a holiday ornaments competition and is most likely not the last. In the many years I’ve been involved with the 3D printing community, I have found that Holiday competitions like this always brings out the best in this community especially since any skill level of designer can create an ornament.

So, let’s see your snowflakes and stars, your nutcrackers, and pickles. Show us some LED fun with menorahs and schwibbogen, maybe even a New Year’s countdown timer. We can’t wait to see how you celebrate the season and all decorations or celebration accessories are fair game.

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