Hi, I noticed an error on Dragon Scale. Your scad is generating dragon scales very close to each other. The left is generated with your scad and the right is generated by original creator's site. (edited)

Hi, I noticed an error on Dragon Scale. Your scad is generating dragon scales very close to each other. The left is generated with your scad and the right is generated by original creator's site. (edited)
Thank you for your bug report!
I have now fixed the issue in the latest version, which you can download right now.
If you are comfortable editing the script yourself you can also change line 59 from:
"translate([9.30 * x, 9.30 * y,0])" to "translate([10.30 * x, 10.30 * y,0])"
Feel free to report any other issues! Feedback is very valuable for me :)
I really like this design, but I found that the slots for shelves were loose enough that the shelves slid and it felt a bit flimsy. Tweaking the print to pinch the shelves a bit more and/or using a shim made this much more effective. (edited)
Im glad you like my design! :)
There is actually no tolerance in the model itself. The shelf is 6mm high and the insert on the base is also 6mm high. This provided a good grip in my testing.
Though no two printers are the same and what worked for mine, may have been to loose for yours.
@xipit Weird, I could have sworn there was tolerance built in to the design, especially since the side pieces fit together perfectly. Best guess is some extreme elephant footing from the different print orientation.
Hi, I love your design but 10 cm is not enough to display my Funkos. Is it possible for you to add more height, like 12/15cm? Thank you very much.
Thanks for the compliment :)
I have now added 12cm and 15cm versions, let me know how these work for you!
Thats alot of shelves 👀. I am happy they work well for you!
Impressive collection of minis too!
if printing hexagonal design shelf invert (turn over) the print in your slicer before slicing and sending to printer
I used only one side, doubled and mirrored it in slicer. Printed with PETG.
I would suggest using triangle instead of "T" shape so that support for it are not needed, it is quite hard to remove them.
Looks cool!
I had the same issue on my first print. I found that using a bread knife to remove the supports works well.
If you decide to print again i recommend using the provided .3mf, which includes support blockers.
@jake3d_547633 That looks very nice. What filament did you use?
@xipit I use overture rainbow filament
Thanks for the happy face version!!
( and to all the original authors and remixers )
I made the 6-plate version in ABS and it came out very nice.
I like that you made the sides smooth so you can add more
Plate holders and they will fit tight against each other.
Hat alles perfekt funktioniert, vielen Dank für die Sammlung.
Nur die Kette am Druckbett hält bei mir nicht so gut, aber mit einem Tropfen Superkleber lässt sich auch dieses Problem lösen.
Hey there. Please include my remix in the list of used models. Thank you.
@BFB_Workshop_1838755 I have done so. Tanks for telling me and for creating the model!
I am sry that i didnt have it from the start.
@xipit Thank you very much =)