It's unbelievable how good the model is! Thanks to the uploader. I used OrcaSlicer in 0.2mm layers, 240/60C temperatures, and printed on my K1C in 2h24m. Amazing result. It seems very good in its supports—tree and organic.

It's unbelievable how good the model is! Thanks to the uploader. I used OrcaSlicer in 0.2mm layers, 240/60C temperatures, and printed on my K1C in 2h24m. Amazing result. It seems very good in its supports—tree and organic.
I like to print right and left sides without supports and glue them together. I have a Grob Twin Astir and a DFS Habicht that print that way. I'm trying to slice the ASW 15 to do that. Send me an email and I'll send you those files, if you want them.
I have a friend who has a full size ASW-15 so I thought I would make a desk model for him. The original file used more support material than the model itself so I decided to try and split the model in 1/2 and enlarge it slightly. Not totally happy with the result as the trailing edges of the flight surfaces come out a bit too thin. I cleaned it up the best I could to get a “useable” model. Paint would probably hide my seam and make it a great model. Thanks for a fine print to get me started!
@drbdanieli_589544 Hi . Thanks for your photos. There is a solution to have nice trailing edge : a perameter in prusa slicer XY compensation force the slicer to add a certain amount of plastic everywhere. Just use 0.2mm
Printed well. I threw it and it went up really high and kept going out and away. When it finally got above trees and caught wind it hooked left and now it’s on my roof. I will print up a few more and try it on an open field.
Normal que l'épaisseur des ailes fasse 0.95mm ???
Comment bénéficier au mieux des fichier3mf avec une autre imprimante que la prusa svp ?
Bonjour @turbi40 , est t’il possible d’y ajouter un Cox 0,49 ? Peut être tard pour espérer une réponse, merci quand même 😁 (edited)
Printed fantastically. Edges are very smooth and very nice feeling. Did 3 walls and 5 tops and bottoms with 15%infil. Need to maybe tune a bit for better returns but overall a very nice print.
Printed in petg , a little heavier than others I tried, had trouble making it return... Then kids broke it, will print a few more.
sorry but it's not clear where i have to put this piece...................
Very nice! I designed completely new wings for the V1 Lidl-Glider. Maybe you want to check them out - I would be interested in your feedback :)