It's Benchy McRobotFace, I love it!
Will you be her valentine?
Out now in the Printables Store!
Really great looking model! I'm happy to see you put this on the store. You deserve some reimbursement for your time and contributions to the 3D printing community.
what happend to the old boxy look it was like your thing man but it looks good
I guess it doesn't matter to anyone who's already here, but I'm done with MakerWorld. While the recent controversy is what put me over the edge, I had been falling out of love with Bambu for a while. For now, I'm happy to keep everything here on Printables where I actually feel respected as a creator.
Not sure why @soozafone doesn't like MW but I know why I don't like MW.
1. As a creator you get positive feedback from users. If the print goes badly users tend to ask what happened and how they can improve on printing your model. On MW they assume the model is garbage and they will let you know. Dirty bed and therefore no bed adhesion? Garbage model
2. Their Exclusive program incentivizes on creators only sharing models on MW and essentially excluding all other users from printing these models. I have one model on exclusive (Bambu spool for Bambu printers, so no business sharing it anywhere else) and it has earned me over 1000 dollars in a couple of months which is insane. They are claiming to be user oriented while their main objective is buying a monopoly on 3D models
3. As discussed in 2, they aim to be a platform solely for Bambu users with Bambu specific 3mf files and no need to upload STL's for other brand users. They also heavily incentivize non-remixable or shareable models through their Exclusive program.
4. But when an illegal remix is posted you will need to supply a lot of evidence before it gets taken down. And again, due to their exclusivity program they incentivize users to upload everything as their original model, even if it is a remix.
5. Of course the company behind it, they can not be further apart from each other in ethics and community/user focused.
As a designer I will still use MW though, it earns me money and it gets me a lot (and I mean A LOT) of free stuff and I don't mind taking money and free stuff from Bambu. Some models I only upload to Printables, some only to MW, but most will be available on both and not walled behind exclusivity for Bambu users.
Again @soozafone might have entirely different opinions but these are mine. And I highly respect him for sticking to Printables only while most creators go the other way because... oooh free stuff and money! Take all my dignity! (yes, I'm also partly guilty of that, sorry)
Quick overview for those who aren't aware: Bambu's newest firmware will block third-party integration and force everything through Bambu's servers. I and many others see this as a step towards the eventual goal of locking down their ecosystem and squeezing more money from their users, as well as a security concern given that we don't know what they will do with the data that does go to their servers. For example, what did they use to train their AI model generators? I don't know, but I do see the history of Bambu thinking it's better to seek forgiveness than permission.
Add to this the fact that MakerWorld is increasingly full of stolen work, especially since introducing cash payouts for exclusive models (which are another ploy to lock people into their ecosystem). And on a personal level, I simply don't like the vibe over there. So at this point it was an easy decision to leave.
Something came in the mail yesterday! DHL took their time getting it to me, but to be fair it is HUGE. Thanks once again to everyone who voted.
- AND -
Sharing a WIP of an upcoming project. This prototype is only a small stepping stone on the path to something larger, but I think people will like it on its own, so I will be releasing it as a paid download to support more development on the bigger project.
Let me put the brakes on this conversation...
@ThomasMcinty_2484453, I'm charging money because I put a lot of work into these projects and I think they're worth paying for. I don't actually make all that much from my club. More than $5 a month, but I also have bills to pay, so it balances out :)
Everyone else, please, you don't have to defend me. And let's all remember to be polite.
my “downvote” was for the comment that just asked to make it free.
These models are a ton of work to make. We are lucky any of them are free to download. The next project soozafone releases may be the culmination of years of work and modeling. I don’t think we should ask “make it free” it’s important to support our favorite creators so they can keep doing these cool projects.
If you sell Dummy 13 and have been contacted by someone claiming to hold the patent for it, please contact me at [email protected] and save all correspondence from them.
I am working on a legal defense to prove that their patent is invalid.
If we are lucky, the experts will say that it is an empty threat and no legal action is needed.
If we are unlucky, the legal process for overturning a patent is an expensive one. I may need to rely on crowdfunding to be able to do anything.
I will give more updates as I have them.
sorry for the hassle you are going through.
finally, I'm tired of Titan 13 selling for overpriced copies. finally have petg though so I might start printing them out for free gifts
Merry Christmas to me: another fraudulent design patent on Dummy 13. To be clear this is not my patent, it’s some random company trying to make a buck. Anyone have any advice on how to fight this?
Well there is certainly documentation to prove that you're the original creator of this. At this point you might want to get a patent lawyer involved and patent the dummy13 yourself if you haven't yet. Leave the patent open so it can still be freely made, but others can't attempt to create a closed one on your work.
A cease and desist from a lawyer would probably be enough though.
Eat them
Hi folks. I won't beg too much, because there are people out there who need your money more than I do.
But if printing my free models brought you joy this year...
Or if they helped you bring joy to others...
Or especially if they made you some money...
Please consider making a small donation back to me for the holidays. It would mean the world to me (and help me make more cool stuff in the future).
Donation links are in each model's description and at
Thanks and happy holidays :)
Everyone boost him on makerworld
Thank you so so much to everyone donating!! (You're all much nicer than the average person over on that other website)
Let me try this again because the way I said it before was confusing people.
I am now on Bluesky:
I am also on Twitter (@lucky13toys) but I am going to be mostly moving to Bluesky.
If you are on neither of those sites, then you don’t need to care. Actually you don’t have to care either way. I am just letting you know about an additional place where you can hear from me.
I am not leaving Printables.
I thought bluesky studios died.
Looking for some feedback!
Here are two options for the frame runner layout for an updated Mini 13.
On the left, the parts are packed almost as close together as possible, and stitched together with a minimal amount of material.
On the right, the parts are spaced out into an organized grid taking up a predetermined amount of space.
In theory, both styles should perform equally well at keeping the parts together and adhered to the bed. Instead, the tradeoff is organization and presentation vs. space, time, and filament used.
I sliced both with the same settings, as well as just the frame parts with no runner.
Parts only: 6.83g, 44min
Close packed runner: 7.34g, 48min
Spaced out runner: 9.24g, 56min
Please Pokemon Go To The Polls and let me know which of these styles would you prefer to see in future releases. Feel free to comment with your reasoning!
I believe the time and filament savings between the two is negligible. I have stopped judging all of my print jobs just because they are fast to print or little filament savings as the only deciding factors. I prefer reliability and success of print over how many I can crank out.
The right-hand frame provides a known measurement when placing multiple frames on a bed, less guess work when it comes to arrangement for printing multiple copies. In my experience, the larger runners, while not only being easier to trim with clippers even with unsteady hands like mine offer a more robust frame that will not fail as easily as the smaller thinner frames. The point of the runner is to provide good bed adhesion without the use of brims, easy removal, storage and packaging of the finished print.
The left-hand frame would be a challenge for someone like me trying to clip the parts. Though, conceivably the smaller frame shouldn't provide much resistance and can be pulled apart by hand. A kid friendly frame, no sharp tools required.
I think it comes down to how you want to target the project, conserving time and filament, which as I said, is negligible or presentation and target audience.
While I personally would much prefer to use the closely-spaced one (Left), I voted for the one on the right because I think for the masses, it's probably the better option. Better presentation for sure, and more space makes for easier component removal.
New model for ya:
Uploading at 11:59PM on Halloween still counts as uploading on Halloween.
Sword, shield, bow, spear.... trumpet. I love it!
Oh my gosh I love that! That's awesome. Is it compatible with any of the 13 family members? Like can I put a dummy 13 leg on it?
Merci pour ce design génial
Le marron est à 200% et le blanc à 300% tout les 2 en PLA.
Le logo sur le bouclier à été gravé au laser diode bleue.
Mon fils en veux toute une armée maintenant !!
@DrewDoe * lego star wars construction sound *
Wow wow wow
Dummy 13 just took home 3D Model of the Year in the Printables Awards - in BOTH the community vote and expert judges' vote.
Thank you so much to everyone who made this possible, especially all of you who printed and shared and remixed and voted.
I have more to say but I am absolutely BUZZING right now and I can barely put a sentence together. Just, thank you all so so much.
@3d_printer_2464182 nah bro vote Dummy 13 for president
Your Monday reminder: Less than three days remaining to vote in the 2024 Printables Awards!
From Latin America I can tell that Dummy13 is very popular compared to other big ones in printables.
I wish you the award ✨
You brought a lot of the community together with your creative ideas. Totally have one of my votes!
Suppose, hypothetically, you have two options for downloading premium content from your favorite 3D printable action figure designer.
1. Store - you can purchase each individual release for a one-time fee. You pay for each download but you get to keep it.
2. Club - you pay a monthly subscription to access a library of premium models. You have full access, but only as long as you're paying.
For simplicity's sake let's say that each individual download from the store is $5, and the Club subscription is also $5/month.
Which do you prefer? What variables would make you lean one way or the other?
Hypothetically of course :)
@Sheriff1505_2224644 it’s taken me two and a half years to put out 14 models so I don’t think we need to worry too much about this scenario :)
Target pace would be one high quality release per month.
This is also not an either-or thing. Most likely I would put everything up in both the club and the store. But I am curious what the community preference is.
Found a couple more cool buttons to click -->
It's an enormous honor to say that I am a finalist in *two* categories in the first ever Printables Awards: Designer of the Year for myself, and 3D Model of the Year for Dummy 13 v1.0.
I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who nominated me and Dummy, and I hope you'll consider giving us your votes in the final round.
Competition is pretty stiff too! It's amazing to be up there with the designers who make this such an awesome community.
See you on October 30th :)
Voted for you in both categories! I bring my Dummy 13 with my scanned face to craft fairs and people are always curious about him. Then I send them here!
Go soozafone!!!
Two things!
One, I will be at 3DPrintopia in Bel Air, MD this Saturday! Somehow it flew under my radar until today, so I'm totally unprepared, but I will be there!
Two, follow me on Twitter (I refuse to call it X) -->
I'm going to try to share more WIP stuff over there. Sometimes it's intimidating knowing that almost 9000 of you will get a notification every time I post here :)
It would be pretty cool if everyone clicked this big shiny button. I think we'd all have a great time clicking the big shiny button to nominate Dummy 13 v1.0 for the 2024 Printables Awards. Seems like a fun thing to do
I did for you and dummy 13 v1.0 so I wish you good luck ;o)
You've got my vote, not only for dummy 13 but for your account too
I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated, joined my club, or bought the design files in the past week! I really appreciate your support.
You are awesome and once we start making some money I will DEFINITELY be donating!
You are So welcome, once i get my paycheck im gonna join. thank you so much
Dummy 13 version 1.0, as promised. Happy Friday the 13th.
@Kaleb08 Depends on the remix. Handheld accessories should have no problem, armor and head mods might need an update to fit the new model. But the beta files are still online, so you don't really *need* to update anything, you can just keep it tied to the beta version.
YEAH!, I don't have enough filament to make 200 tho
Another one for ya (this one's free!)