Really Great and useful addition to my gridfinity storage system. I just wish it was a little bigger. Thanks though

Really Great and useful addition to my gridfinity storage system. I just wish it was a little bigger. Thanks though
This is amazing!! I was wondering if you could add a modded version (slightly longer) so it could be stored with a battery inserted too?
Fits my Bosch PS21 pocket driver. My only complaint is I wish there was an option to make it longer to fit the unit when still attached to a battery pack. I'm lazy, taking the battery pack out is another step I don't want to do.
Great model!
Just what I was looking for.
I found orientating the model on the print bed a bit sub optimal as avoiding to much support inside what’s a bit challenging.
I ended up cutting a bit of the top off as the filters would stay in just fine without it.
Great job!
And also, it fits like a glove in the aeropress!
There wasn't much Brompton & Airtag offerings on printables, i liked this one because it's fully wrapped, although your picture wasn't very helpful because you can't see the object at all. So, I went ahead with it "blindly." It printed fine, but after printing i had some problems: first the two pieces just didn't go together, i cut and filed, then it just barely went (so i never get it open again). Then it's just too big, at least for Electric C Line. It was resting too heavily on the mudguard, I had to partially shave off the edge, in the end it was super tight, so that the mudguard was almost pressed too close to the wheel...
I've somehow managed to get it right now, but I'd actually have to virtually rework it in several places.
(coment to the pics: 1. Original print, 2. "edited" (whereby the edges were removed by mistake), 3. The mudguard is now extremely close. (edited)
@3Dietrich Thank you for feedback. Thats interesting, let's face the problems:
1. It's designed to be as hidden as possible, but I designed an instruction wich shows the montage, I'll add it to the pictures
2. I've had the issue of them being hard to open myself, that's why I added little notches to put a fingernail or flat screwdriver in. In previous versions the tolerances were more loose, but I didn't want the AirTag to get dirty and wet so I went with 0.1 to .2mm difference in diameter between upper and lower part. I printed in PETG, maybe the filament ur using was tougher?
3.I also encountered the issue with the holder pressing down the mudguard on the wheel, that's why after 3 other versions it was finally thin enough to fit my Brompton perfectly. But I myself neighter own a p-line nor do I have the electric rear light installed, just a reflector. When urs also uses long holes behind the light, I encourage you to make sure the light is mounted in the highest point from the ground, as near to the top of your rack as possible.
Hope that helps, damage shouldn't be needed for installation.
Greetings from Germany
(And sorry for any language mistakes)