Quick and easy print!

Cool part! Everything fits perfectly. It could be a bit better if this neat trick was used to make the M6 holes more printable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBuWcT8XkhA
@hhes Really cool concept! I'll have to watch the full video and see what I can incorporate into future designs.
What filament is used for?
@davewilson hi.
I live in the EU.
@RenePrettentha_94150 I thought you might. Maybe you can find a vendor that has reasonably priced filament, try Prusa, at least you should get good results.
These look great. Have not tried them yet as I'm still building my Rat Rig Vcore 4. I printed two sets in ASA - they should stand up to the heat. I'm surprised how many mods are already out for the RR V4. I printed these at the same time as some stronger belt clips. Printed on my Prusa XL with a SUMO enclosure