Excellent model! Swapped it to the Navy seal on top and with some dual color gold and blue and .2 nozzle it came out awesome! thanks!

Excellent model! Swapped it to the Navy seal on top and with some dual color gold and blue and .2 nozzle it came out awesome! thanks!
@MarcusScaeva_1939276 I like how the raised seal came out, and nice use of bicolor filament. That looks really nice with the twist on the base.
@bwschulz_239420 Thanks! The Navy one was for me, and I just made this Army one for my friend as a gift. Used a desert camo "rainbow" filament for it.
@mddstr_1392266 I'm glad it worked for you. It really is counterintuitive on assembly- I think I was putting every part in backwards at first. Dry assembly then gluing one part at a time is really the way to go on this.
@bwschulz_239420 that is what I did, per your instructions in the description. I agree that is the way. I was just amused that every piece has a mind of its own. Fun project actually and I love the look.
Thank you for sharing. Exactly what I needed, same oven as well. Clever twist design too.
The clips are really solid and hold the phone with no vibration. Just needed to move the tongs back so a collision can't happen.
This is a cool looking project. I cannot wait to see the end result.
@PenguinNinja I posted a pic of the final bench. First of two.
@bwschulz_239420 Wow! That looks really great. It look like a high-end bench. I really like it.