I just printed my set, (one piece top and btm). I really really really like the flip over hinge. It's so great!. Also the built in support for the latch nibs are great! easy to remove and I don't have to think about setting it up in slicer.
There are two small complain I have. One is the rear inside lip of the lid will likely catch on the bins lip when closing it. I have to aim it right or retry a few times to get it in. I think this is a result of the flip-over hinge giving extra degree of freedom. Not sure how would this be solved, but some chamfer along the rear inside edge (bit that mate with boxes) might help.
My big fat screw driver and electric driver is having a hard time screwing the hinge in at an angle, cuz the box itself is in the way. So I would love to see some change in the screw hole for the hinge to be inserted from outside. Or have screw go in from both left and right (two screw instead of one per joint).
I notice you did a great job at getting the tolerance on the screw hole correct so the screw can be pushed in for most of the way. If changing the way things are inserted, the tolerance might need to change and result in a completely new sets of parts.