Didn't print in vase, as i added diffrent loop. 1% infill did the trick though (edited)

Didn't print in vase, as i added diffrent loop. 1% infill did the trick though (edited)
Thanks for sharing!
printed with Rosa PLA dualcolor red-blue. One of the designs presented was not available for download.
I think I printed it slightly leaning back. To avoid support marks on the front and to give it a little more surface area for the supports. I used organic supports.
@Roman_670516 with sunlight you can see the adaptive cubic infill I chose :P Maybe consider thicker walls if you print your own! But it still looks great to me!
@KyleOlsonDesign Oh that's neat! Yes I can see the infill pattern in the second picture. Just to clarify, I also think it looks great :)
@Vasichkin Hello! Look really nice! Could you please upload the models for the tree stump and the star?
@nextdoorpanda Oh, sorry. Done
@Vasichkin Thank you!
My favorite of the female variants of Dummy 13. I think it stays the closest to the original design while looking just a bit... curvier.
They're serious when they say don't use PLA for the frame though-- it quickly loosens up and turns your figure into a ragdoll, even though the silk pink and silver looks fantastic.
Thanks for feedback. Nice to hear that!