Po drobné úpravě - pootočení základny o 45°, aby se napájecí konektor dal zasunout z druhé strany.
Very good fit. There is a ~1mm gap between the top of the walls and the clear lid. The corners were modeled perfectly as there is no gap there.
Nice and smart model, but plugs are not tight enough. I have made tighter one as remix.
The 3D print functions properly; however, we need to measure the screw, as it does not fit correctly into the camera tripod
It printed great! The extra connections to prevent warping really helped. I expected the tolerances to be a bit tight based on other models, but they were actually perfect without any adjustments needed.
awesome print we use I both for ultra 2 and series 4&5 and works
!Se lo he impreso a mi padre y está encantado!